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Q&A: how I met my boyfriend, my parent's divorce, my weight loss

Sat down and answered a ton of questions you guys asked me! Make sure to follow me on IG to be involved in the next: @daniellecarolan SHOP GALS ON THE GO MERCH:

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Daily Planner I Use:

♥Snapchat: themakeupbyd

FTC: This video was not sponsored 🙂


This Post Has 46 Comments

  1. Iman Hawa

    I felt the part where you said you always like to be doing things because same, I always feel like I’m wasting the day if I’m not doing anything

  2. elizabeth briggs

    Omg I was born in Charlotte,NC and then lived in Alpharetta,GA and now Austin TX!!! That’s so crazy!!!

  3. Emese Nágó

    Wow u use the word like a lot… no hate just never noticed before

  4. Veni Vidi Amavi

    so happy for you because you seem so happy!! And our overall energy seemed so chill and upbeat. Awh(: and honestly I see you in Atlanta a lot….more than NYC even though that’s kinda been your vibe forever since i started watching you, I think you’re a genuine southern girl and I love it 🙂

  5. Farah Ben Ayed

    Danielle you have no idea how happy I become when I watch uour videos.. Omg I ve been following you for hears now I looooove you ❤️
    God bless you and your family 😍😍😍

  6. Leslie Snyder

    CHARLOTTE, NC for sure! This city is so amazing & totally fits your vibe. Would you ever consider doing another meet up in CLT? I missed your last one

  7. olivia pope

    YESSS PLS MOVE TO ATLANTA!!! it is literally the best of both worlds (city and boojeee suburbs lol)

  8. itskaylahere

    It seems like you’re in such a good place in life right now! Proud if you girl!

  9. lkjsf100

    I love your positive energy so much !! Plz don’t take this wrong, but I think its nice to see other sides of you too. Like this very chill Danielle here:)…There was this one week in my life you posted about not feeling motivated/ going back to bed (just having an off day) and honestly to was so refreshing to see. I totally understand not wanting to complain on camera, but sometimes your good energy & positive comes off a little unrealistic. Again, absolutely NO hate, I’ve been watching you for years & come to your channel when I need to be put in a positive mind set. I guess I just wanted to say that I really like you showing your more venerable side that you don’t let us see very often 💓💓💓💓💓💓

  10. Michelle B

    Im 24 and obviously older than you but I look up to you so much! You inspire me to be positive, productive, and confident. I love your vids so much 🙂

  11. Hannah Smith

    My cousin was a fashion merchandising major and lives and works in Charlotte, NC! There is PLENTY of jobs for it there.

  12. Belaroe

    Absolutely love you Danielle! Watching your videos always positivity impact my day💛

  13. Jamie Lynn

    I've been watching your channel regularly for probably over a year now and I literally had no idea your parents were divorced- that's amazing that everyone still has such a great relationship

  14. Morgan Stout

    watching ur videos makes me wanna get my life together

  15. Sarah Henderson

    Your videos always put me in such a positive mood. You just radiate so much happiness and it's so awesome!

  16. Ciara Palermo

    your videos make my day!!❤️❤️❤️
    love your videos so much!! btw you look absolutely amazing and you always put me in the best of moods!!

  17. via Saliha

    to the people asking danielle how she manages and balances everything in her life, it’s bc she’s a virgo skshdbdb

  18. kailey spratt

    You should make a video or podcast on how to implement new habits into your life and how to start a productive lifestyle. Also if you could include how to improve your grades in classes you’re struggling in! I love your videos btw!!

  19. Andrea Gamez

    YOO! when you said Charlotte, NC I got so happy! It's a beautiful city!

  20. Ketura St.Fleurose

    So I tried spin class for the first time a couple of days ago though unfortunately I didn’t like it as much as I thought I would 🤷🏾‍♀️ one of the reasons is because our instructor wasn’t playing music that was motivational to me, it wasn’t my vibe. I’ll definitely check out other classes by different instructors to see if that’ll make me like it. Spin always remind me of you because you share your love for it 😁💛

  21. Savi Spice

    Uhh I forgot how feel-good your videos are! So grateful for your channel💖

  22. harryskittyz

    i know u do this a lot, but can u do a what I eat in a day? or more grocery hauls or meal plans

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