You are currently viewing Super Intense Interval Yoga – Hands-Free | Ali Kamenova Yoga

Super Intense Interval Yoga – Hands-Free | Ali Kamenova Yoga

Interval Yoga class. This is a very strong Bodyweight training session interlaced into a power vinyasa yoga flow.
As requested – no wrists, no shoulders flow. Whether you have an injury or you are taking an upper body rest day or just wanting to get a kick-ass workout before a big event this class got you covered. Put it in your playlists for a no wrist, no shoulder sequence and for a lower body sequence.
The legs and glutes are the biggest muscles in our body so we are going to get a massive burn. This will boost your metabolism and clear your head while have you burning calories like an athlete for the next 24 hours. WE WILL MEDITATE ON ENDING A CHAPTER IN OUR LIFE AND WE WILL PREPARE FOR A NEW BEGINNING. You may get a bit sore after so do as much as you can and rest as much as you need to. This is not a competition so listen to your body. Yoga is not about burning calories yet many of you are in fact athletes within and need that intensity so here we go.
Have FUN!
The Ted talk is Gabor Mate Advice to His Younger Self.

Let’s Flow with Ease and Strength

Enjoy this video. I’d love to hear from you.
Intro Music by Jonny Be. Full Song link
Free online yoga class. Home workout.
#freeyoga #yogaathome #hiit

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This Post Has 45 Comments

  1. Lindy

    WOW!!! this class was my all-time favourite!! love the talk you gave at the end about forgiving and accepting ourselves!

  2. Ruby Hampton

    I had no idea!! I'm half dead now but loving the program!!!

  3. Alannah Darling

    OMG! Wow Ali! This class just made me feel completely alive for the first time in a while! Ali, you've done it again. I've been doing your classes almost everyday for the past year or so, and can I just say, I have come such a long way in my strength, flexibility, endurance and balance; not only physically, but mentally and spiritually too! This class was incredible! Like a cleanse for the soul! Thank you so much, you are the best yoga teacher I have ever come across by far! You are so knowledgable and wise; I love how you incorporate beautiful messages and life lessons into your flows! Thank you thank you thank you!!! Ps, my legs were so weak by the end that they could barely lift me into bridge! Haha! Love and light 🙂

  4. Sorina Elena

    hello everybody . Ali can you plese give me a link where i can buy your beautiful yoga mat . thanks . namaste

  5. katmiah

    Ok Ali you really did kick my butt with this one…in a good way. Thank you for this hands free flow as I am recovering from a shoulder injury but I still want a strong workout. I hope you do more. Namaste beautiful yogi 🙏🏼🧘🏻‍♀️

  6. Rachel Pickup

    great -thank you – but would be EVEN greater if there were less repetitions of the same interval and just a couple extra different intense interval exercises

  7. Yasmin Abdelfattah

    Man oh man that felt so good!!! It’s true sometimes your body just craves a cardio burn and the stretches afterwards were pure bliss. I feel my face looks 10 years younger after this workout it’s glowing with colour and life 🙏🙏🙏

  8. Ellyn Hill

    My wrists did need a break and this was the best! Surfer pose makes those jumps fun. Thank you!!

  9. Camden Smith

    I gotta leave you a funny message. My IT band in right leg is SO TIGHT that's what's causing my right ankle to suddenly decide it needs to pronate beyond crazy and I am having trouble (achy-ness) in ankle post-run and during yoga. A friend of mine and I were watching this while at work because I was explaining the crazy stuff I do….and we were laughing…you say "You should be feeling the burn." My response: uh yea I'm not doing it and I'm exhausted lol.

  10. Camden Smith

    Ali I really loved this flow. I'm having the kind of taper off from yoga for a bit because now a hundred days straight into yoga and so many practices no matter whom they are by, have so many planks and down dogs, my right wrist is just killing me. It isn't bad form, but I have a long-term injury on my wrist that just seemed to have my wrist clicking but yoga seems to have thrown into constant aching not major pain but aching so I'm even having trouble holding a book for my daughter to read at night because then my wrist starts cramping. I took a day off from yoga yesterday and my wrist was fine, so I have decided to move away from yoga 7 days a week and do it only 3 or 4 days a week and the majority of those yoga days need to be hands-free. So I am going to do this practice today but I am hoping you could do some more hands for yoga because frankly down dogs and shatter runga is as great as they are and as strong as I am are not great for my wrist and there are many of us that kind of need some wrist breaks old and young LOL. Although I am middle-aged at this point LOL.

    Your yoga is so genuinely Advanced for all levels that it would be great to have a few hands-free workouts of yours perhaps with interval mixes and some for relaxation so I have some things to choose from even if you did them on the membership website or something like that as a series it would be great because I really only like to practice with you but because of the hands-free situation I'm having to use all kinds of people, and none of them are you!

  11. Gerta Ylli

    Omg!!! Thank You, Ali!! This class is kicking my butt since days now but I just cant stop working out with this one…LOL… You dear, Ali are a blessing!!! Namaste!!

  12. Steffanie Steffanson

    Hey Ali! I don’t usually comment on your videos but I have been following your classes since 2013 and I LOVE them. This one was so perfect for today, it really boosted my mood for today and was perfect since I didn’t go to the gym and your message about being able to forgive yourself, you always keep it real! I really needed to hear that today and be able to give myself the space for forgiveness. Also I want to say as a personal trainer, I really appreciate how intuitive you are with the body and the way you craft workouts so intuitively!

  13. Camden Smith

    My wrists and my butt lol thank u for this…in different ways. LOVED IT!

  14. Justine Parker

    I really appreciate you offering this intense, well-rounded, hands-free workout! I developed severe shoulder arthritis as a very young person due to a genetic disorder, and as one who has always been deeply commited to excercise and fitness, it turned my world upside down. Almost all the ways I was used to working my body are now off the table, as my shoulders shouldn't bear weight or strain. Workouts like this one you have provided are difficult to find, and they are a joy to me when I find them. Thank you!

  15. Romy Collinson

    BEAUTIFUL CLASS! Thank you Ali:) I would love to see more classes like this one …Ali style-jelly legs-strong interval yoga!

  16. Stephanie Williams

    Definitely working on new beginnings! I had to take a few water breaks, and on one of the intervals I just had to take a break, period! I look forward to continuing to work on my endurance – as you said “endurance is a state of mind.” But I also have to honor the limitations of my body which you so eloquently speak about towards the end of the vid. So for me it’s about finding that balance. I especially love your reference to Gabor Mate; I recently read his book “When The Body Says No.” Profound. Thank you again for your work and your service, Ali. It is much appreciated.

  17. Another Theory

    This was a little too repetitive and lacking variation for me. I tend to gravitate towards voice-over videos where talking is minimal and you get down to business quickly. It's still appreciated though.

  18. Mahdie Allahviranloo

    Thanks Ali. Was an amazing class as always 😊. can you please share the link to the TED talk that you are talking about at the end of the video?

  19. tijana

    My intention for this class was to get energised and mood elevated and oh boy did I get this big time in the end of this shaky legs style class! I thought I couldn't make it… 🙂

  20. Megan Rylak

    My left leg was on fire 13 minutes in. And at 35 minutes in, I stopped to get some water. Frankly, I loved it. This was perfect to combat the icy, cold, winter blues! Thank you Ali.

  21. Liliana Rosa

    OMG I died a few times with this lol…really proud I did it thou..thanks Ali happy new year!!! 2u and your family from nz xo

  22. Elizabeth Rosendorf

    What a great, intense calorie burner. I'll definitely come back to this one when I want something extra intense. Happy New Year!

  23. Robin Kat

    Ahhhh This is what I requested! Thank you SO MUCH! That totally kicked my butt! Thank you thank you Ali💛.

  24. Claudia Meyer

    💖💖💖💖💖 the best interval burns right here on this channel. 🙏 So much love to you Ali.

  25. tsmooVe2831

    Thank u for delivering supa dope content this year!! 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿💯

  26. Dimitra Nikitara

    it was a perfect yoga workout,thank you again Ali😍how about a workout about whole body flexibility?no vinyasa,just exercises to release th3 shoullders,the hips,the back??Lots of love for the upcoming 2019,blessings🥰

  27. C. Healy

    Thanks Ali. This was an awesome class. I have some shoulder pain so this is great to come back to. Thank you.

  28. Melissa Corsetti

    Loved it Ali you killed me in a good way 😂 wishing you a wonderful 2019! 💕💕✨✨

  29. Tracy Manke

    Hello beautiful Ali…I'm looking so forward to taking this one another day as I just finished your forgiveness one….just love that you are swearing but moreso that you are in camouflage because our military kicks ass and it takes a courageous ass kicker to serve!!! At least that's my interpretation. Too funny and appropro and as usual INSPIRATIONAL!!! Love and blessings to you and your familia….so many thank yous to you and wish you the best for a wonderful 2019 PS I'm not in the military but just appreciate them and their hard work and protection.

  30. Carol Ferguson

    Thank you so much Ali for this class. It did kick my ass,but in a good way. Please continue your beautiful work and messages of peace and love! Namaste❤️

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