Sharing another full day of whole food plant based meals that will help with weight loss. Im down 66 lbs and I did it through the help of “The Starch Solution” by Dr. John Mcdougal.
You can follow me on Instagram @PlantifulKiki or on Facebook @plantifulkikipage for more food and lifestyle inspiration.
Tangy soy sauce:
2 tablespoons low sodium soy sauce
2 tbsp rice vinegar
4 tbsp water
1/8 tsp ginger powder
1/8 tsp garlic powder
pinch of chili flakes (optional)
Sweeten to taste with sweetener of choice, maple syrup, agave syrup, stevia etc..
Smoky Rub:
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp mustard powder
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1/4 tsp salt
Links To My Favorite Kitchen Tools:
Steaming Basket and Ring:
Magic Bullet:
Blendtec Blender:
Nuwave Air Fryer:
My ceramic pan:
Music By:
Take It Easy by MBB
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how do you steam a lot of potatoes in instant pot?
Thank you for these videos kiki! You're becoming my new favorite youtuber and I love the style and everything about your videos. They are never boring I could watch them all day
I do not see the link for your video on maximum weight loss with the starch solution…
Instant pot beans – obviously depends on the beans. Black beans or pinto beans I do for about an hour so they are super soft. I do find I prefer them made with a manual pressure cooker but that's way more effort.

Chickpeas I do for 80mins. Hope you get to enjoy instant pot beans.
You are so beautiful& humble! I love how inspiring you are!
This diet use to be called microbiotic.
Is there a video on making beans in the crockpot?
I cant wait to try those air fried potatoes!! Love your glad I just found your channel!
Garlic maintains more of its nutrients if you add it at the very end of cooking.
Also, cooking greens loses the chance of getting any sulforaphane. Heat destroys the myrosinase that makes the sulforaphane. The way around this is to chop the greens as soon as you think about cooking them. Just roughly chop them, and let them sit for 25+ minutes. Once the sulforaphane is formed, it is heat-resistant, so you’re good. Obviously, eating greens raw isn’t an issue.
Where do you get all you beautiful wood products?
All of these meals look delicious! Thanks so much for sharing and inspiring us.
Careful with spinach if you get kidney stones.
The instant pot is fabulous for soups. I eat soup every day for lunch and make a big pot which lasts the week.
How do you prevent yourself from eating snack you buy for your kids but that you don’t eat? Help
it hailing my weight loss
I’m wondering what you do when you want to go for seconds but it’s the last of what you have.
I did a couple McDougall diets for a short amount of time and I ran into this problem a couple of times. Especially days you are more active and hungry.
I love the magic bullet but it wore out sooo fast!!
KiKi, awesome channel! I just ordered the 4 different vegan flavors from Orglington (sp) with the one with the little piggy. Hahahaha! Thanks for the great recipe in the other video. (White beans)
Love your nude lip! What do you wear?
That is how I feel about the instapot, so glad to hear I am not the only one.
Hi Kiki, Been watching a lot of your videos and it has truly inspired me. I am experiencing some the same symptoms as you had. It's nice to know that you healed yourself naturally. Thank you for your videos. Much appreciated.
Yeah. I do our beans in the slow cooker usually but all my broth, potatoes, etc. in my Instant Pot most of the time. Gotta have my high-powered blender, but I don't have an air fryer-just use my convection oven instead. Great video!
You might like basmati brown rice better than regular. Smells heavenly, tastes nutty. Love your soy & vinegar idea, and that you are a "no guilt" ketchup user. Me too! I even tried making my own, but what makes me happy is the healthiest store bought version I can find.
Does vegan Worcestershire sauce taste really different from coconut aminos or soy sauce?
You know I can't live without my ketchup
My husband swears crockpot beans are way better than InstantPot beans. I agree!
How long do you steam the veggies for in the basket?
So happy I found a wfpb YouTuber who doesn’t do smoothies and jogging! (And adores hot sauce
I was wondering what symptoms I can expect during my transition to ‘The Starch Solution’ – and for how long?
I’m six days in now and feeling a bit lightheaded and grotty.
Thanks, Kiki
I’m in love with you videos. Will you a video of kitchen tools like wooden container you hold you spices in and what kind of non stick pan you use. Thanks
Just came back to this after a week away on a work trip, eating greasy, fibreless hotel food, My digestive system ground to a halt within a couple of days and my mood plummeted. Sooooo looking forward to getting back to my brown rice, beans and steamed veg and feeling well again!
Like Dr. McDougall (and Mary Poppins), a little sugar here and there (i.e. ketchup, BBQ sauce, etc.) is okay if it helps the "medicine" go down.
I'm so glad you spotlighted the fat free dressings from Maple Grove Farms of Vermont! Their dressings helped me out tremendously, because so many "healthier" dressings are still mostly fats and oils. (Just read the labels and do the math: 10 grams of fat x 9 calories per gram = 90 calories of fat in a 100 calorie serving. That's still 90% fat!!!) The first Maple Grove dressing I ever sampled (by itself) was their Wasabi Dijon. It was delicious on my quick-lunch-in-the-grocery-store-parking-lot salad, but boy was it spicy, especially the aftertaste! You might love it. But now I dilute it with another, milder dressing or some apple cider (or balsamic) vinegar. Nevertheless, I've liked just about every FF dressing of theirs I've tried: Poppy Seed, Honey Dijon, Balsamic, Cranberry Balsamic… I think the Honey Dijon is my favorite. Haven't seen the Lime Basil one you held up. Lately, I don't even use a bottled dressing on my salad, just a tasty vinegar, some flavorful mustard, some hummus, salsa and/or a little BBQ sauce depending on what's in the salad mix. Indeed, taste buds change.
Thanks for the encouragement! It's not all about the number on the scale. It's about total health.
Lol, I only make rice and potatoes in my instant pot too.