Increase Your Metabolism, Weight Loss Subliminal (Audio + Visual)

Increase Your Metabolism, Weight Loss Subliminal.
Workout Motivation Subliminal:
Eat Healthier Subliminal:

Watch in HD. Headphones/Earphones are optional. Use this subliminal video often to increase your metabolism and lose weight. Watch and listen for best results. You can still get results from just watching or just listening if that’s more convenient for you. This subliminal video has both text and audio affirmations. Set to a comfortable volume. Use at least once a day until no longer needed. Do not listen while driving or operating machinery.

Text & Audio Affirmations
I have a super fast metabolism.
Why do I have a super fast metabolism?
I have excellent blood flow.
I have high VO2 max.
I have low cell fat.
You have low body fat.
You make healthy choices.
You lose weight quickly & safely
You train and exercise regularly & correctly.
Why do you have a very high metabolism?
I have balanced and correct nutritional habits.
I burn calories quickly.
I choose the healthiest foods.
I have a super high metabolism.
You have a super fast metabolism.
Why do you have a super fast metabolism?
You are losing weight.
Your metabolism is naturally fast & healthy.
Your mind is in sync with your metabolism.
Why do you burn fat rapidly?
You burn calories easily.
My mind & body sync to increase my metabolism.
I visualize my body being slim & muscular.
I lose weight until I reach my ideal weight.
I stay at my ideal weight.
Why do I stay at my ideal weight?
You lose weight easily.
You have high VO2 max.
You have a super high metabolism.
Why do you lose weight easily?
You burn fat rapidly.
You have a fast metabolism diet.
You have enhanced digestion.
I drink plenty of pure water.
My body is alkaline.
I eat plenty of fresh fruit & vegetables.
I get an adequate amount of fiber
Your body is slim, fit, and muscular.
Why is your body slim, fit & muscular?
Your body is in peak shape & condition.
Your mind is receptive to these suggestions.
Your mind accepts & acts upon these suggestions.

Isochronic Tone Brainwave Frequency: 7hz (Theta)


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