So I drank 14 gallons of water and let me just say I’m out of words!! I lost 3.6kg/ 8 pounds from drinking water alone without working out or eating clean. Now imagine what would happen if I eat my veggies and get myself to the gym?
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She so fine
“Sometimes it is just so clear it’s like… what’s the point in flushing?”

instantly fallowed you
I’m subbed
I know I am just watching in 2019, but your smile is legibly beautiful. Just subscribed.
Please tell me time to drink it and time for next
What time will i drink it,
I mean the exact time
This was posted on my birthday

Wow that's insane, I was drinking 4-5l of water for 10 days now, and i lost 20 pounds
and my skin looks sooo much better
And if you are curiuos I don't think I lost any fat, cuz I look the same as I was, but it's nice to weight lighter:)
Are you related to Oprah?
Wait are u able to eat cause I wanna try this but still wanna eat
I drank 9 of those hydrated water bottles you can get at the store yesterday and I got a major headache
I love her accent
thank you for this video !

i’m doing this !!
I LOVE your accent and thank you for such and interesting video!

do u eat
did you workout when doing this
you know if i drink that much water my pee pee will explode xD i mean i cant even drink one small bottle without going to the toilet every 5 mins-_- also.. do you drink one bottle of water everytime u eat? like morning evening night? bcoz its not good to drink water all the time..
I can’t lose weight maybe I’m not getting enough water.
This girl weighs the amount a teenager weighs
I've drank a gallon per day and work out. I do intermittent fasting but eat what I want when it's time. I've lost some pounds but I think it was because I workout so in other words drinking only water and eating junk won't help you lose weight unless you have a bomb ass high metabolism.
You favor a smaller Oprah. Beautiful!
How much water did you drink a day?
This was posted on my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aww your so cute and fun..I'm subbing ..
Not true people
I am on my 2nd week off a gallon of water a day challenge planning to do 30 days
It's a lie
Ok I am starting tmr but I don't have anyone to take my pictures, but I'll do it anyway. Thanks
Are you sure of this?cos my tummy is big I mean real big my twin will be clocking 1year next month tried all kind of tea maybe it will work it made it worsen I just need your assurance..
I just gave birth, I really hope it works