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VLOG: why I dont care about being "extra productive" right now & melissa wood health work outs

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Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. This is not a sponsored video.

Hi everyone! I’m Kenzie, a 22-year-old lifestyle vlogger and college student in LA! Here you’ll find college week in my life vlogs, day in my life vlogs, fitness videos, what I eat in a day’s, routines, productivity/organization tips, try-on hauls, GRWMs, and more! I hope you leave my channel feeling motivated & empowered to live your best life possible! Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any new videos! ILYSM!


This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. remi cobb

    This is so so good and important! People who deal with anxiety ALREADY are experiencing amplified anxiety due to this crisis, let alone adding extreme expectations for day to day productivity. Great points thank you.

  2. Alexandra Rain

    Thank you for your honesty ❤️ it’s so hard not to put a ton of pressure on ourselves right now. Thank you for the reminder that it’s okay to rest!

  3. Itziar Urra

    I loved this video, they aren't boring at all I promise💖💖 What workout videos did you say you do?🥰

  4. Amanda Morton

    Does anyone else find it annoying that these youtubers apologize for everything? I hate that they feel they need to do that 😩 it makes me sad.

  5. Alden Cain

    Love your videos!!! And I can't sleep either lately!! What size are your Jennifer Fisher earrings you usually wear? They're the perfect size hoop 🙂

  6. Kimmy De Leon

    Kenziiee, you dont have to be hard on yourself just because your not being super productive this quarantine period. It’s a time to relax and be the healthiest you can be since we are battling with a virus. Yes we do love to watch your vlogs but then it’s understandable if you also want to take a break. Love you always and be safe!

  7. lauren

    where r ur slippers from <3

  8. youtubeaccount

    It’s going to be well into the year before things even start to get normal again, by the time things get going it will be flu season again and covid might make a second round. This will be the normal for a long time.

  9. Autumn G

    Am I trippen or was there a fly hanging around your coffee and books In the beginning….

  10. Autumn G

    It was very obvious in the beginning how self conscious you were about your stomach. You constantly kept staring at your stomach in the view finder and readjusting your body… it made me uncomfortable Lol😂

  11. Sydney Erin

    Does anyone know where her bed comforter is from?! 😍

  12. Silvana Jecob

    Kenzie i just LOVE your videos, they're not boring at all, and i actually look forward to seeing them every day haha <3 You're an inspiration to me personally and i totally agree that we just need to chill, heal and grow in these weird times without the added pressure of 'being productive'. Also i love the idea of the bible study <3333

  13. Nicole

    It’s two teaspoons of coffee and sugar (not tablespoons)!! I did the exact same thing and was sooo grossed out because of how sugary it was. Try again with two teaspoons & mix it more until its very thick and frothy (once you have an actual whisk or frother haha).

  14. May♥

    Kenzie from where is your Q necklace? I’m obsessssed!

  15. Selena Rhodes

    Thank you SO MUCH for talking about being home and facing things from our childhood. I appreciate your transparency because you are not alone with this. Moving home after college made me confront all the trauma I faced as a child. XO!

  16. Haley Kits

    I just turned 21 during this quarantine, and I just moved out to college in January, and I’ve dealt with depression since I was 10 and being home has been horrible and I still have to go to work bc my job is considered essential, so this has been incredibly difficult! Thank you for being real about the anxieties and pressures that so many of us are feeling right now! Many youtubers are just going about their lives and not addressing the difficulties everyone is facing, so thank you for being real and addressing it all!

  17. Erin Saunders

    Yes omg I needed that last chat in this vlog. I thought I was the only one feeling like this. Please make a podcast episode of what you’re dealing with and I would love to hear your experience. And no your vlogs are not boring! Lol

  18. Fahdesss A

    We want vlogs more frequently !!!!! Lov you Kenzie !!!!🖤🖤🖤🖤

  19. Alexi Swalls

    I love your vlogs! Seeing you start each day with God is so inspiring and motivates me to be better about reading and spending time with Him. I have been struggling with anxiety during this time and just not being able to be with my loved ones is hard. I'm glad I have your videos to keep my mind off of things and bring me to a happier place! Thank you for being such an inspiration!

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