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Tuna and Egg Diet for Weight Loss

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Please watch: “For Ultimate Weightloss Drink This Mixture Every Night Before You Go to Bed ”



This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. I would like to add that anybody that gets concerned with the selenium and mercury in any types of seafood this can be countered easily by drinking lots of water with lemon when you do this your body recognizes toxins more easily and remove them from the system quickly so anything your body is not supposed to have including those it will get rid of very quick water is the key to any successful diet mixed with healthy foods.

  2. Boochi

    Tuna contains mercury. Eating tuna everyday may cause mercury poisoning.

  3. Karma


  4. I’ve lost 30 pounds in one month on this diet And I have been adding a scoop of cream cheese to my can of tuna.

  5. Truncine Saulsberry

    I did the egg fast diet this past weekend and i lost 5 pounds and i did cheat and have twizzlers but i lost the weight. Today in wednesday Im going to do a Experiment and start from fresh doing the egg diet again for 2 days and then ill go into the egg and tuna diet just to see if i Coutinue to lose weight because my body should be in ketois.

  6. qased zxswd

    i might try this… but i might add some cucumber

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