You are currently viewing The most important goals to set in your 20s.

The most important goals to set in your 20s.

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If you’re wondering: “What habits should be I really be doing to lose my next 10-20 pounds?” Read this one:

“What the heck should I really be eating to get fit?” Read this one:

“How do I get more disciplined?” Read this one:

“How do I find my passion, what should I do with my life, etc.?” Read this one:


This Post Has 37 Comments

  1. As for me I'm 26, never started an apprenticeship. I nust worked here and there. But I'm absolutely unhappy about my situation.

    I'm also in a 5year LDR with a distance over 9000km. I want to set a good foundation. We both have dreams and goals. I want to give and offer to make my future partner happy.

    "A goal without a path, is nothing but a wish"

    Yesterday I sat down and made a mindmap of my life goals, dreams. I wrote everything down. No matter how big. I want to get a proper major, get independent in the future. Own a workshop and sell stuff I made aswell as digital goods.

    I picked 3 Goals and defined them with S.M.A.R.T. broke them down into milestones and tasks.

    I wanna run and fight as long as I can think! I wanna be independent! To decide for myself what I want to do! But espacially I'm sick wasting my life procrastinating. Waiting 5 years to see my gf the first time. I endured alot. But I'm ready to endure more!

    I want to create my own future!!!

    sorry I went all out and got carried away

    Your content is really great. Because I can connect with your words. Thanks for always spreading positivity.!

  2. Mouad Zemou

    Man this talk was exactly what i camed for ! Thank you

  3. Dana Perez

    What the fuuuck I don't agree with this video almost at all, there's not ONE way to live life right, it's never too late to do ANYTHING

  4. great intro for someone who's 22, petrified of not achieving my goals and already afraid I've wasted my 20s

  5. Kareem Press

    im 19 and I will bet DAMNED if I live a life that is not mine. Im gonna live my life, and that is all i'll say.

  6. whimsymimi

    This video came at a great time. I'm currently trying to sort out all the possible scenarios I want to play out in my life. How do I pick one when I have so many different passions??

  7. MrXvellis

    you are awesome!!! that is the first video thar i see from you and i loved it!

  8. M.Adventure

    Many teenagers are growing up at a fast pace and they are rushing to have it all figured out

    (Edited) even tho they have time on their side ❤️

  9. PRPL

    Me a month away from 30: ….
    youtube: The most important goals to set in your 20s.
    Me: well its a little late for that now isnt it?

  10. Tim Sahlberg

    The love part spoke right to me. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Savage Sonya

    It's best to focus on yourself in your 20's, rather than dating. Stay lonely because most people haven't got their heads screwed. Be single!

  12. Lol Why

    Deliberate work
    Deliberate love
    Be process focused

  13. Wru

    Who puts ….. after your e-mail wtf

  14. Laura Solero

    bro all this stuff is right but i think that you can also live a good life without worrying about every detail of every aspect of it. sure you cannot wander through life forever. you should always strive to get better each day in order to have the future you want, but i could not live thinking obsessively all the time about that future to be perfect. not everything has to be so serious, from my point of view.

  15. Kamil Dabek

    Definitely feeling Ray Dalio's "Meaningful Work and Meaningful Relationships" matra here – great video!

  16. Larissa Moraes

    So you saying everyone should search for marriage hahahah you're a joke.
    Reflect on what you are stating for people in such an early age, you are making them think they will be unhappy for not having a thing that is barely impossible to achieve, and may not be something they want. Sure you may reflect if some relationship will be the one you want for life, but you can't predict divorce or many future problems.

  17. 은비

    I need money, don't care about love 😅

  18. Jay Green


    Saw this video and put it to my watch later because, well, I’m in my early 20’s. Loved the content man, you approached growth from two new perspectives I didn’t consider before. Thanks for sharing and wishing you the best my guy!

  19. charlinshape

    i feel like you can resume the whole video by saying "just check that you're evoluting"

  20. Sup Sabina

    1 minute into this video and I want to disagree. its good to have goals in life. but i'm a firm believer that EVERYONE has their own individual path. you can follow rules in books and videos such as this one, but life will always bring you to where YOU as a unique individual need to be. I'm currently 22 and my life drastically changed at 21 from a breakup and career changes. I was working in a professional music studio, it's been my dream since I was probably 11. I worked hard to earn that position. it was fun and great for a couple years but things went side ways and now i'm more focused on a salary job and stability more than doing something i'm passionate about. currently i'm going for a job that I have great interest in, and can eventually help me with a 401k and other great benefits. my point? just do what your heart tells you to do. don't do what everyone else is doing… but it's good to get different perspectives. some people like jobs with freedom. some people like jobs with promotions and great pay. it all boils down to who YOU are and what YOU want. and it's okay if your wants and needs change. some people find their purpose and achieve it young. and some people achieve it in their 60s. growing old is scary but at the end of the day, (not to sound too spiritual) but your soul will always be youthful. dont rush things…. just let it all flow, but have a goal. and be open to change.

  21. theyatemybrain

    I really like playing video games but then it makes me so anti-social!

  22. Sara

    Kinda agree with the work part, absolutely don't care about love 🤣

  23. Milagros Martinez

    "If I haven't triggered you enough already"
    lol I was triggered before I even thought of playing the video xD

  24. Kevin's Journal

    This is crazy I was an engineer too, got fired, and then went into my passion, I relate to this lol.

  25. Evelyn Cruz

    Video Summary:
    1. Deliberate Work:
    Working in a wrong Job Meaning, wasting time at a job that is not meaningful. focus instead on a passionate work focusing on Growth development & Skills
    2. Deliberate Love
    Sometimes its hard to commit in your 20’s because you’re casually dating with no goal
    Deliberate love meaning growth oriented, giving you the time to truly decide if u love that person, coming home in best and awful days
    Growth oriented in both

  26. Aaron Kurz

    So for work we shouldn't be outcome focused but for relationships and love we should? Idk, seems weird.

  27. deni1470

    I hated the first few minute of the video because i woke up this morning only to realise I'll be 37 in 10 years and how this year has already flown by, your video kinda piled onto that dread. Having said that, your advice was pure quality. I love the idea of being process orientated and despite not being anywhere close to where I want to be, it excites me that at least I've started implementing that. In terms of love, fuck… i'ma focus on me for a little while longer. Great video man – subscribed!

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