You are currently viewing 30 Min Total Body Toning Workout / GREAT FOR FIBROMYALGIA!

30 Min Total Body Toning Workout / GREAT FOR FIBROMYALGIA!

LOW-IMPACT, easy to follow workout great for Fibromyalgia, Hyper Mobility, Mild Chronic Fatigue & Adrenal Fatigue sufferers, beginners, seniors and those who have other mobility issues! Using light weights, safe exercises, and moves that never repeat, you will get a complete toning class that should not only help you to feel better, but help you to look better as well if you are consistent with it a few times a week. This class is a great yoga alternative if you are looking to do a traditional strength workout without causing unnecessary pain to your body. Enjoy

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Workout Information:

Level: Beginner

Equipment: 2-5lb set of weights or two water bottles, chair, mat and a towel

Intensity: Low-Medium

Safe For: Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue, ect..

About Cocolime Fitness:

Who is this channel for and how will it benefit them?
Cocolime Fitness is a unique fitness channel that offers super effective workouts specifically designed to help people dealing with chronic pain & fatigue issues to feel and look better fast, all without causing extra pain or fatigue in the process! (Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Adrenal Fatigue, Thyroid Issues, Hashimotos Syndrome, Joint Pain, Depression & Anxiety and Insomnia) It is also for people who get bored easily and want variety in their workouts and no repetition in their routines, and for people who hate doing stressful, exhausting high intensity workouts but who still want super effective routines that are medium intensity and easy to perform.

All information provided by Cocolime Fitness is of general nature and is furnished for educational and entertainment purposes only. No information is to be taken as medical or other health advise pertaining to any individuals specific health or medical condition. Cocolime Fitness is not engaged in rendering medical or professional services.
Cocolime Fitness makes no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or relevance of any text, video or audio content. Any content provided is not a diagnosis, treatment plan, or recommendation for a particular course of action regarding your health and is not intended to provide specific medical advice. Do not delay seeking the diagnosis and advise of your healthcare professional because of anything you may have read or interpreted in Cocolime Fitness Content. Consult your healthcare professional before participating in or acting on any recommendation found in Cocolime Fitness Content. You agree, at your exposure, to indemnify and hold Cocolime Fitness harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, injuries or damages resulting from any and all claims, causes of action, suits, proceedings, or demands against Cocolime Fitness arising from or related to decisions or recommendations your make using Cocolime Fitness Content. You agree that use of this information is at your own risk.


This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. Aspe Djizmedjian

    I'm just so happy I found your channel! I came across it while reading an article about the importance of working out on healthline. I used to be in love with the gym and working out, always pushing and challenging myself but ever since my fibro it has become more of a scary thing. It feels good to be able to workout again thanks to your videos… thank you! ❤️

  2. Lord and Lordettes

    Love this!!! Been sitting too much with being isolated due to the virus so this was just what i needed! Only thing I find is whatever exercise I do, no matter how long or short, I always feel shattered after not energised! It's really annoying!

  3. Irina Bustamante

    I forgot to say I have hyper mobility and this work out is great! I feel so much better after it. You should maybe also include pain causes by hyper mobility.. it’s really not easy to find exercises or work outs suitable for us. Thanks so much again!

  4. Irina Bustamante

    Thank you so much!! You’re amazing! I love this work out! 💕💕💕

  5. carlakay schosker

    just completed my first week of doing this one…love it! Thank you so much

  6. Kimberly Gough

    Finally, a workout I can do. The modifications you suggest are so helpful. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  7. Ivonne Honstetter

    Thank you so much for helping us with those workouts! They are great and you are amazing! Blessings and love for you 😘💖

  8. De'Onna Cook

    OMG thank you so much for this video. I’ve been working out for months but, I have failed to complete a full workout video. The regular exercise simply get to difficult and backfire with my fibromyalgia pain. I was able to have a great workout and felt comfortable and confident I was able to do all the exercises and finished the video. :):):)

  9. Dieniz Costa

    did this one today after a week sick and unable to do any workouts, I felt great being able to complete it with my 1 lb weights for most of it. I am so grateful for the way my body has shifted and morphed after working out with you for a few months now! so grateful for you and your gifts! I am wondering if you could create a longer stretch video for fibromyalgia fit series- I would love a full 30 mins of stretching for days when I can only stretch or want to have a yoga type feeling to it without a downward dog centered routine- I tend to not be able to do yoga due to wrist pain. Anywho- love you no matter what! Thanks a million for all you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Pauline Froissart

    Thank you for this well-designed workout for fibromyalgia! It is a lifesaver!

  11. Dieniz Costa

    I love this one, works me to the bone and im getting better at it. 1 pound weights 🙂

  12. Megan Brinsmead

    I've been working my way through all your routines, & they are all great, but I keep coming back to this one. The work then stretch format really works for my fatigue. Thank you!

  13. Megan Brinsmead

    Sometimes it's hard to tell which leg you are working, because of the black pants. Which would be fine, but I forget which leg I just worked, & end up doing the same side twice. Could you maybe put a coloured strap around one leg or something? Or paler pants? Or pants with different coloured legs would be perfect! (though hard to find, & there would be a court jester vibe going on, which you may not enjoy…)Or maybe switch which direction you face, so the leg your working is closest to the camera? Or I guess just mention which side you're working…sorry to be difficult, I really love your workouts!

  14. Megan Brinsmead

    The work then stretch/rest format is great for fatigue. Thank you.

  15. RVB

    Hey. So this is the first video I watched of yours (on Tuesday 9 July 2019) and as promised, I said I'd elaborate on your energy in the comments section here. Your energy is so kind, so pure, so rare and so genuine. It literally jumps through my Mac and that experience is such a gift. Thank you so much for your energy and for choosing to exist in such a state. It's a real pleasure. Thank YOU.

  16. giddy307

    Thank you so much for this. I have not properly worked out in nearly 2yr due to my fibromyalgia. I have spent that time building myself up from being virtually bed ridden, to now working full time and walking briskly for a minimum of 45 minutes a day. I needed the next step and this has massively helped! Tomorrow will be the true test, as I suffer with severe DOMS when I have attempted even light exercise in the past. Fingers crossed 🤞

    Quick question, how often should I be looking to do these workouts?

  17. Would you consider doing a video focused on arm pain?? To do on the bus at work or while studying. Great video! I made it through the whole routine

  18. Crystal Richards

    I have Chronic pain and Fibromyalgia and just did this whole work out and will be back tomorrow to do it again! Haven't worked out in years

  19. luv meki

    i can already see my body improving 😃 see you again tomorrow 😊❤

  20. Stella Vera

    I love the way you care for us. Thanks for helping us to make our life better. ❤

  21. Vane P.

    I've been doing your videos regularly and this one is my favorite by far! Love this whole body warm/workout/stretch comb Can you please make more like this? 🙏🙏🙏

  22. Jacki Jasker

    Being newly diagnosed with Fibro, and lots of headaches, I am so so excited about your channel. Just moved through this exercise set, and excited to see how my body will use this to energize my day. Hopefully not too much aches tomorrow, but you explain how to pace ourselves so well. Can't wait to come back and do it again!

  23. Lisa pro

    I truly love your workouts. So great that you don’t repeat any of the exercises. Keeps it interesting!

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