#weightloss #alaninusupplements #pcos Hi loves! In today’s video I share my experience & honest review of Anani Nu balance pills. There are so many benefits of these pills including helping with symptoms of PCOS, fertility issues, hormonal imbalance, & weight loss!
LIKE & SUBSCRIBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCahGH2Ywg-Lp_sA52YFnHpQ?view_as=subscriber
Camera Used: https://amzn.to/320NjcG
Ring Light Used: https://amzn.to/322w1f7
WATCH MY WALMART HAUL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HWWbWCYO5Q
WATCH MY INTRO VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HS9CrOskm5M&t=1s
Discount Codes:
“SUMMERG” from: https://bombshellcosmetica.com
“VCA5UPOH” from: https://velvetcaviar.com
“SUMMER15” from: https://sugarrosefashion.com
Did anyone get super sick your first week taking these? Cause I have been throwing up a lot and I’m only on day 3.
so I’m on the Marina now then getting a glucose test tomorrow then after getting on either Clomid or metformin if I want a baby in the next year should I get off the birth control they had me on it to level out hormones I guess my estrogen levels are high and they think my insulin is all messed up what should I ask about to get pregnant in the next year
I just drink for a week and I have a lot of pain my stomach that’s normal
how can you ovulate a lot after taking it in just 3 weeks? you only ovulate once a month…
These pills are huge i feel like there stuck in my throat..
I have a question do you see a difference in you pee? Mine is like orange It was weird
I just ordered 2 bottles…. is anyone seeing results in the weight loss department because I struggle with weight loss
So the bottle has 30 capsules and I'm supposed to take 4 a day. So the bottle only lasts about a week?
Normally for me, I don't get periods without birth control. Should I get off birth control to see if this pill is going to help with regulating my period??
Your eyeshadow

These pills aren't that big. They're average capsule size.
Ok am on week 3 and my acne is worse I had one or two cystic acne and now j seriously have 5 on each side painful cystic .. so sad ;(:( I don't know if I should continue and it will go away since it's regulating the hormones or just stop it
I'm with you. I got mine to clear up the little acne I have. I get spot on my chin around my period and my cramps were bad. I started them in September and right away I had my skin completely clear, so much energy, and m next period was great! The next month… acne was back and I felt terrible on my period. Im trying month three and my period is due any day now however I have two huge zits on my chin. I will probably discontinue.
Did you always eat them with breakfast? I’m about to start them and usually don’t have a steady breakfast!!!
Amazing! Thanks for explaining everything the pills have helped my mood so much!!